Blendon Township

Police Services

Police Services

Blendon Township does not have a department that is involved in the enforcement of the Michigan Criminal Code, Michigan Motor Vehicle Code and their associated civil infractions. These functions are normally carried out by the Michigan State Police and the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department, complaints and problems should normally be directed to these departments of government.

Ottawa County Sheriff's Department

Blendon Township however has contracted with the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department to provide additional hours of public safety and security service to the residents of the township and we are ready to be of assistance in securing your request for help from the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department.

The Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department has assigned Deputy Adam Schaller to Blendon Township. Adam is primarily involved with crash investigations, traffic enforcement and its related issues. Adam may also be the first response to other violations of the Criminal Code and the Motor Vehicle Code in Blendon Township. Adam assists our Zoning Administrator and Ordinance Enforcement Officer with issues involving the zoning ordinance and other township ordinances.